-BANDA BANETTI (Minimal Rome )
>SATURDAY 02/08/2014 >MAIN STAGE > 19:00-21:00
Banda Banetti prende forma nel 2010 dalle quattro menti dietro MinimalRome (Heinrich Dressel, Dave Grave, Feedback, Kobol Electronics) attraverso un remix per The Hacker («Haunted») e si evolve, nel tempo, in un live pieno di echi carpenteriani, jack grooves e acid techno. Otto mani su drum machine, sequencer e synth analogici per un set mutante , mai uguale a sé stesso, che approda al Free Field Festival dopo essere passato per Rotterdam, Glasgow, Budapest, Den Haag, Madrid e Berlino.≈ Patiendum Est ≈
Banda Banetti gets created in 2010 by the four minds behind MinimalRome (Heinrich Dressel, Dave Grave, Feedback, Kobol Electronics) to do a remix for The Hacker («Haunted») and evolves into a live act filled with Carpenter-style echoes, jack grooves and acid techno. Eight hands on drum machines, sequencers and analog synths for a mutant set, always different, that lands on the Free Field Festival after Rotterdam, Glasgow, Budapest, Den Haag, Madrid and Berlin. ≈ Patiendum Est ≈